Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Porcelin Bowl begins

So this is actually the first post of my rantings and for some reason there was only the letter 's' in the post for a very long while...I am not too sure what that was all about...possible a shortened exclamation on life...'s'!? hmmm

Tax Discrimination?

Finally completed our taxes...complications that shouldn't be...It seems very unfair that I have to pay someone over a $1,000 to put together my taxes when I should be able to do them myself for less than $90.  If I were a married, straight man...I could have done so...the fact that I am a married, gay man...the IRS has made it very difficult for me to file taxes.  This seems to put my husband and me in a special class once again.  And because we make a little too much, we cannot write off the amount we paid for someone to do our taxes...this is blatant discrimination?  I should not have to be a CPA just to file my taxes...